About the Department

The History of Station 331

The Franklin Fire Company was organized about 1828 and reorganized in 1861. The firehouse was located on Atlantic Avenue next to the town hall. Charles Carslake, shown in the below photograph, drives the Martin Fire Engine in 1914. The vehicle had solid rubber tires, a chain-drive engine, and chemical tanks. (Photo courtesy of Janet Aaronson.)

FD 1914

A 65-foot bell tower was erected next to the firehouse, but the original firehouse in the below 1914 photograph had a bell on top of the building. The all-volunteer membership shown here are most likely grandfathers of present day members. (Photo courtesy of Franklin Fire Company.)

FD 1914 2

The firehouse was moved back and expanded when Atlantic Avenue was widened to accommodate Route 206 traffic through town. In the February 7, 1924 photo below, members of the Franklin Fire Company pose for a special occasion such as a convention. (Photo courtesy of Franklin Fire Company.)

FD 1924

Covering 23 square miles, Franklin Fire Company members pose in 1936 with their 1935 Ford pumper, which is still in the township, and the 1930 Ford pumper. Members pictured below include Roger Kirby, Goldy Bryan, Edward Shinn, Robert Craft, David Ingling, Wilmer Carty, Robert Townsend, Charles DuBell, Roland Armstrong, and Sy DuBell. (Photo courtesy of Franklin Fire Company.)

FD History 4

Shown below from left to right, Dick Archer, Art Taylor, and Earl Hopkins accept the keys to a new 1970 Hahn pumper from Mayor Bill Aaronson and Committeemen Wilmer Carty and John Berezcki. (Photo courtesy of Franklin Fire Company.)

FD History 5